Commercial Roofing

If your commercial building needs to be re-roofed, you might quickly find yourself becoming overwhelmed as you research your commercial roofing choices. There are many different commercial roofing materials available on the market, but which one is right for you? A professional roofing contractor can help you make your final decision, but it helps to do some research first. Here we offer an overview of some of the most popular choices to help you decide which material is right for you..

To help you get started with your research here have highlighted several popular residential roofing choices to help you determine which material is the best fit for your home.

Acrylic Roof Coatings

Acrylic coating is not a standalone roofing material; however, this coating can be applied to a variety of different roofs as an alternative to a complete re-roof. The process of applying an acrylic roof coating consists of setting down a primer, followed by a base coat, and a fabric first. Often an additional base coat will be applied on top of all of that before finally applying the top coat.

The result of all of this layering is a seamless seal on your old commercial roof that can withstand the elements just as well as a brand-new roof. Acrylic roof coatings aren’t commonly used yet, however, they are growing in popularity.

Another advantage of an acrylic roof coating is that it adds some UV resistance to your roof. This could translate into every savings for you as a commercial building owner. Additionally, because there are really not “parts” to an acrylic roof coating, repairs can easily be performed on small areas. Your professional roofing contractor simply has to re-apply the top coat when they are done.

It should be noted that acrylic products are prone to wear under extreme weather conditions. The coating can also not be applied during any time of year when temperature drop below fifty degrees. Lastly, acrylic coatings do not stand up well to standing water if left for long periods of time.

Despite these disadvantages, an acrylic coating is an excellent option for a commercial building owner who is not ready to completely re-roof their building. When the time comes that you are ready to re-roof, make sure you enlist the help of a seasoned roofing contractor that will make sure your roof is expertly installed so you will not have to worry about it for many years to come.